Training for Users

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Together we will take care of your network

Today, the question is not “Will?” but “When?” will you start having problems with your network. Owning and maintaining a sophisticated network infrastructure in good shape is not an easy thing to do. Even more so as speeds in networks increase, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so, especially when it comes to fibre optic systems. A problem in the network must first be diagnosed in order to get rid of it, and for this you also need elementary measurement knowledge. We are of the opinion that prevention is better than putting out fires, so if you are not yet experiencing symptoms of deterioration in your network, it is worth arming yourself with the tools and knowledge so that you are never painfully affected by this issue.

At DCNART, we organise a number of workshops, conferences and one-to-one meetings with clients to discuss the broad topic of network infrastructure. If you are just about to build a new infrastructure or want to upgrade your existing network this is the best time to talk about it.

If any of the following options are of interest to you, please contact us and we will arrange the details

  • one-to-one training for your IT department
  • participation in a conference organised by DCNART
  • individual solution presentation
  • development of a project or guidelines
  • checking project documentation for content and standardisation
  • development of a standards book
  • other? Ask!

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